CreaTour is a proposed online service that enables anyone to create guided tours of the places they care about, combined with a one-stop marketplace for travelers to find those tours in any location imaginable.
I was engaged to realize the initial concept into a complete set of functional specifications and wireframes from which a third-party development team could build. The primary component is a native mobile application used to create richmedia, location-aware content that leverages the camera, location services, the microphone, and general asset editing capabilities of the device. Through a series of simple steps, users, or Tour Makers, (individuals and travel-oriented businesses) can create guided tours consisting of a series of points-of-interest. Each point-of-interest can combine videos, still photos, text, links, audio narratives, maps, and links to supplementary online content. Tours could then be shared through social media, marketed through email, or published to a proprietary online CreaTour marketplace directory.
A Tour Taker, in turn, would discover/encounter available tours through a responsive website or through the application, visit the designated tour or point-of-interest location, and use the CreaTour tour to enhance the visit.